My name is Ahuva Samet.
I am 11 years old and live in Baltimore, Maryland. I am the youngest of 6 children. I have an older sister, Shoshana, a BIL and 4 brothers, Dovi, Eli, Dani, Avi and Ari, and the cutest nephew, Eliyahu. My older sister celebrated her Bat Mitzvah and also ran a campaign to raise money for United Hatzalah. All of my brothers celebrated their Bar Mitzvahs in Israel.

Since October 7th, my father, Dr. Ron Samet, who was born in Israel and is a trauma doctor, has traveled to Israel several times to assist in the care of those affected by the war.

For my Bat Mitzvah, my parents, Aliza and Ron Samet, are bringing me to Israel. I am very very excited! But I have heard how difficult it is for girls my age who live in Israel.

They too should be looking forward to their Bat Mitzvah celebration but sadly - some have lost a relative, some have been evacuated from their homes, and many have a parent fighting on the front lines. It is practically impossible for their families to plan a Bat Mitzvah. The day they were looking forward will pass without any event.

I heard about this wonderful organization, Our People, that makes a group Bat Mitzvah celebration for 10 Israeli girls! They create a party with everything you'd expect - food, music, entertainment, gifts and a ceremony, making sure that each girl feels celebrated on her special day. I have seen some pictures and videos. This makes me so happy!
For my Bat Mitzvah I would like to raise money for one of these amazing parties. I am hoping you can help me sponsor this celebration. The more money I raise, the more activities and gifts we can provide these girls. My parents and I plan to be in attendance - and we hope that with your support - we will join in their celebration of this incredible milestone!

Love Ahuva Samet
If you'd like to be part of this celebration, please support it here
If you would like to send money via a Gift account to a Tax ID, please send to
Jewish Legacy, Inc.
Tax ID: 93-3352211
and in the memo, write:
For Our People, Ahuva Samet, Bat Mitzvah Project

Please let us know if you choose this method so we can let Our People know about incoming funds.

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