Thousands of evacuee couples are struggling in their relationship after months of being cramped into small hotel rooms with their entire families.
Our Process
Our People's
The Shalom Bayit Cafe provides a complementary cafe-like atmosphere that accommodates up to 15 people a night
Evacuated married couples can use the cafe to reconnect, enjoy some quality time in a relaxed atmosphere and grab a delicious bite to eat.
There is no charge for couples and the cafe is staffed nightly by volunteers.
We also provide board games and therapeutic conversion cards.
The Cafe is located on King George Street in close proximity to most Jerusalem hotels housing the evscuees.
Please sponsor an evening out for up to thirty evacuated and displaced couples
Your generous sponsorship will be acknowledged on signage at the cafe as well as on our social media.
Suggested Donation
Sponsors one night of food and drink for cafe guests and supports the other crucial work of Our People on behalf of chayalim and their families
Donate now
Minimum Donation
Sponsors one night of food and drink for cafe guests.
Donate now