We believe that children are our greatest treasure. In 2023 Our People ran an afternoon ulpan and 4 summer programs for Russian and Ukrainian children.
In August 2023, Our People in partnership with Sh'ma Yisrael, Vaad Hatzalah for Ukrainian Jewry, and the Koum Foundation ran two week-long sleepaway camps – for girls in Maale Adumim and for boys and families in Mevo Choron.
Over 400 children participated in our educational programs in 2023
Throughout the 2022-2023 school year, Our People in partnership with the Municipality of Jerusalem, held an afternoon Ulpan for high-school students to assist them in learning Hebrew.

The program targeted Russian-speaking teenagers who recently arrived in Israel and had trouble with both educational and social integration into their new school life. The ulpan ran twice a week and was attended by 30 teens.

In addition to improving Hebrew skills, the program included events focused on Jewish identity, Israeli history and the holidays to help the participants learn more about their heritage and become better acclimated to the culture around them.
Imagine how happy we were to hear from the parents that following the program all of the students were able to integrate and do better in their Israeli schools!

Jerusalem day camps
During the summer, we once again partnered with the Municipality of Jerusalem, Vaad Hatzalah for Ukrainian Jewry, and SOS Israel to run 2 day camps for new immigrant elementary school age children in the neighborhood of Pisgat Zeev.

The first camp was dedicated to improving Hebrew skills, while the second camp focused on Jewish identity and values via the arts.

Operated by veteran Russian-speaking educators, the kids were engaged in educational, fun, and creative activities, while also receiving necessary psychological support and professional counseling.

Sleepaway camps
In August 2023, Our People in partnership with Sh'ma Yisrael, Vaad Hatzalah for Ukrainian Jewry, and the Koum Foundation ran two week-long sleepaway camps – for girls in Maale Adumim and for boys and families in Mevo Choron.

Both highly-subsidized programs attracted unparallel attention and had long waiting lists. The program provide a restorative and fun summer environment for children, who had experienced both significant traumatic events as part of leaving the war zone and the difficulties and uncertainty of the first year in a new country.

In addition to sports, arts, crafts, and fun, the children received an educational boost with Hebrew language classes, Jewish educational content, and trips. At the same time, dozens of immigrant families received their only opportunity for a summer vacation, with parenting workshops and advice on dealing with educational and emotional issues in Israel.